Gaslighting Yourself: A Battle Within



Gaslighting is a well-known term that refers to a manipulative tactic used by others to distort the truth and make you question your own reality. But have you ever considered that you might be gaslighting yourself? Self-gaslighting is a phenomenon where you question your own judgment, decision-making, and perception of reality. In this article, we will explore what self-gaslighting is, why it happens, and how it can affect your mental health.

What is Self-Gaslighting?

Self-gaslighting involves denying your own reality or version of events. It is a self-inflicted behavior that stems from your own critical voice. You might find yourself doubting your thoughts, decisions, and abilities. Internally, you may beat yourself up for how you handle situations or assume that others hold negative feelings towards you. Even with objective evidence contradicting your doubts, you persistently question your own reality.

This conflicting behavior leads to cognitive dissonance, where contradictory thought processes occur within you. Self-gaslighting is detrimental to your self-concept, confidence, interpersonal relationships, and overall mental health.

Why Do You Self-Gaslight?

Several factors can contribute to self-gaslighting. Fear of failure, low self-esteem, negative self-worth, lack of self-trust, imposter syndrome, and excessive anxiety are some common reasons why individuals engage in self-gaslighting.

If you have experienced gaslighting from others, bullying, or have been in toxic or abusive relationships, you might be more prone to self-gaslighting. These experiences can weaken your self-confidence and make you second-guess your own reality.

The Impact of Self-Gaslighting

Self-gaslighting can have severe repercussions on your mental health. Constantly questioning your own judgment and doubting your reality can lead to anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. It creates a never-ending cycle of negative self-talk and self-doubt, preventing you from fully embracing your accomplishments and enjoying your successes.

The internal nature of self-gaslighting can make it even more challenging to overcome. Unlike external gaslighting, where you can seek support from others, self-gaslighting often goes unnoticed by those around you. This lack of external validation and assistance can perpetuate the negative thoughts and beliefs, making it harder to break free from the cycle.

Breaking Free from Self-Gaslighting

Recognizing and acknowledging self-gaslighting is the first step towards breaking free from its grip. Start by practicing self-compassion and challenging your negative thoughts. Remind yourself that it's okay to make mistakes and that your feelings and experiences are valid.

Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can provide valuable support in overcoming self-gaslighting. They can help you develop coping mechanisms, build self-esteem, and provide guidance on reframing negative self-talk.

Surrounding yourself with a supportive network of friends and loved ones who uplift and validate your experiences can also be beneficial. Sharing your thoughts and feelings with trusted individuals can provide the external validation you need to break free from self-gaslighting.


Gaslighting yourself is a battle within that can have a profound impact on your mental well-being. Recognizing and challenging self-gaslighting is crucial for your personal growth and happiness. Remember, you deserve to have confidence in your own judgment and perception of reality. Seek support, practice self-compassion, and surround yourself with positivity as you navigate the journey towards self-acceptance and healing.


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